Friday, January 25, 2019

Work Macro/Closeup Mini Group

Submitted by Sheila Reeves

Sunny 16 provided several opportunities for photographers to shoot macro/close-up images in 2018. This is a fascinating form of photography where we capture the small details in nature up close. Not only do we participate in workshops sponsored by professional photographers, we also participate in our own macro shoots.

In April we held a half-day indoor workshop which was very well attended. Here is a sample of the types of images captured that morning:

In June, macro/close-up opportunities were found at the Girl Scout Camp.


In August and again in November, club members went up to Louisville to photograph a variety of small critters at Mike Matthews’ home studio. Everyone came away with a collection of images of critters from all over the world!

  On the way home we stopped at Beckley Park in Louisville to do some outdoor shooting. Some interesting macro subjects were found there too:

The first week-end in February 2019 will find several club members at the sold-out Mike Moats Macro Bootcamp being held in Bowling Green. This looks to be a fun and productive opportunity for learning more about macro/close-up photography.

The first week-end in February 2019 will find several club members at the sold-out Mike Moats Macro Bootcamp being held in Bowling Green. This looks to be a fun and productive opportunity for learning more about macro/close-up photography.

I hope we can have another workshop this year, and possibly put to good use some of what we learn at the boot camp. I also hope to have a garden shoot someplace. If you have a garden and would like to host a macro shoot, or if you know of a public garden that would welcome us, please let me know!

If you participate in any of the club outings, be on the look-out for macro subjects. They are all around you!



1 comment:

Linda said...

These photographs are so inspirational. Where do I sign up for the next one? tee tee!